Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Idling cars - a bad idea and a pet peeve of mine.

Idling cars are a pet peeve of mine.  I witness this small environmental crime often.  Parents leave their car running while they pick up their kids from day care.  At the convenience store, in your driveway.  

Idling your car is bad because its not needed.  Modern cars can be driven within 10 seconds of starting up.  Anything longer is wasting your time, your gas money, and polluting.  5 minutes of idling a 8 cyinder engine everyday while you pick up kids costs you $60 a year and produces 440 pounds of carbon dioxide.

In fact idling hurts your car.  It adds unnecessary wear which shortens your cars life, reduces its trade-in value and costs you money - again.  

Then there is the danger factor.  An idling car is dangerous.  It can be stolen, It can be accidently put into gear and crashed.  In a garage it can be deadly.  Carbon emissions in an enclosed garage can kill in minutes.

The bottom line, Dont idle your car.  Save money, save the environment, practice safety, don't be a target of crime.

Posted via email from Stuff important and amusing to Rob OBrien

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